Drama Classes

for children, teens & adults

Now in Cobbitty

Located in the beautiful “Hay Shed” at Denbigh Farm
Address: 531 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty NSW

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Confidence – Creativity – Collaboration

Whether you are new to acting or have prior experience, these fun and interactive Drama Classes will improve skills in performance, communication and creative thinking.

Our acting classes hone each person’s unique talent through a mixture of individual exercises and group interaction, all in a friendly and fun  environment. Guided by our professional teachers, classes will focus on the following theatre practices:

  • Acting on stage
  • Improvisation
  • Movement & Space
  • Character development
  • Focus and concentration
  • Use of voice
  • Listening and reacting
  • Stage directions and blocking
  • Masked theatre
  • Discovery of object theatre and puppets

The year ends with a stage performance.

When do classes happen?

The classes take place every Wednesday (except during school holidays)

Term 4 – 2024: Wednesday 16 October to Wednesday 18 December

  • Children: 4.30pm – 5.30pm, 6 – 11 year olds
  • Teens: 6pm – 7.30pm, 12 – 16 Year olds
  • Adults: 8pm – 10pm, from 17 + 

Cost per term: children $260 / teen $310  / adult $350.
Families with more than one child receives a 30% discount after the first student.

What can parents do while kids are attending a class?

Parents / Carers are welcome to stay and watch the class or just relax on our comfy couches. Tea and coffee is available during the class.

Who are the teachers?:

Pierre is the lead teacher of the acting classes. Jess will be a guest teacher at times, for specific exercises. To know more about us, please visit the about page.

More about the location…

The Hay Shed at Denbigh Farm, where the class will take place, is a wonderful space. It is an old shed with a majestic view of the countryside of Cobbitty. One wall is open to the nature.

The Hay Shed has hosted many creative events, such as the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s ‘Opera in the Barn‘, or ‘The Open garden‘ and regular Denbigh Potters events. We feel very happy to bring some budding actors into this creative space.

Hay Shed Denbigh

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